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This website is independent of and not connected in any way with ISO, the International organisation for Standardization, nor IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission. It does not represent ISO/IEC, nor is it owned or endorsed or controlled by ISO/IEC.


In short, it has nothing to do with ISO/IEC: we merely share a common interest in information security management systems.


The domain name is owned by IsecT Limited but, despite the name, we are not claiming any association with ISO/IEC, other than as happy users of and contributors to the standards. We have however notified ISO of our ownership and use of this domain.


We maintain the website, publish the ISO27k Toolkit and run the associated ISO27k Forum as free public resources for those who are also using and contributing to the ISO/IEC Information Security Management Systems standards.


Various trademarks used on this site belong to their respective owners.

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