While this website, the ISO27k Toolkit and ISO27k Forum are provided entirely free of charge, there are substantial costs in providing these services. Aside from the obvious cost of hosting the website, it takes hundreds of man-hours per year to write and maintain the content, manage the ISO27k Forum, respond to queries and generally keep this project alive.
We are very grateful to our commercial sponsors who advertise on this site and provide valuable services such as Google Groups. If YOU value this service and want the proj ect to continue, please click the ads or links to visit the sponsors’ websites. You never know, you might find exactly what you need right there, and we may earn a little sales commission or income to offset our cost. For instance, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
We welcome additional materials for the ISO27k Toolkit, both new content and updates to the existing or older materials. Provided you own or have the copyright holder’s express permission to share example documents, templates, briefings, checklists etc., please get in touch. We can help you remove any sensitive/proprietary content and emphasise generic aspects, specify a Creative Commons license, perhaps format the content in accordance with the style of other items in the Toolkit, then generate and publish your material. We’re looking for genuinely useful content, not sales blurb ... but samplers/simplified versions of the stuff you sell may be OK, complete with discreet links to your website if you wish. We’re happy to acknowledge our donors and supporters, quid pro quo.
Links to this website are much appreciated. They help keep us high on the search engine results pages, spreading the word far and wide. If you value what we offer, tell your friends and contacts. If not, tell us!
We also welcome news about the ISO27k and other information security and privacy standards, implementation case studies, tips from the trenches and certification auditors, contributions from members of SC 27 and other standards bodies, valid shortcuts, tarpits and gotchas to avoid and so forth - almost anything in fact that would help members of the global ISO27k user community. Tell us about your ISO27k journey. Help us recruit and welcome newcomers to the information risk and security profession. Again, please contact us if it is appropriate to incorporate something into this website, or simply share your knowledge and wisdom through the ISO27k Forum. Do your bit for the community. Be a secure netizen. Be nice.
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